Luft- und Raumfahrt

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German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics

The German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DGLR) is the oldest institution in Germany to offer a common forum for those with a private or professional interest in aeronautics and spaceflight. The Society offers a network for knowledge exchange about the aerospace sector; current projects and developments are presented, and good ideas are nurtured and rewarded.

Inform, network, promote

DGLR is the only technical and scientific association for aviation and spaceflight in Germany. Its members represent industry, government, education and research institutions. It acts as a link between every discipline and hence encourages a comprehensive exchange of information and experience. Beyond its function as a provider of information for its members, DGLR acts as a representative of aeronautics and spaceflight for the general public – nationally and internationally.

DGLR is as multifaceted as its members – it combines varying areas of expertise and specialist committees into a structured network of skill sets. Here, members can pursue their individual areas of interest and discover like-minded people. Regional groups offer the option of networking at a local level. At events, members have the opportunity to network and catch up on recent developments. For example, every year the German Aerospace Conference (Deutsche Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress; DLRK) acts as a central national forum for aeronautics and spaceflight.

Encouragement of new talent in science and technology is a core objective of DGLR. Through the Skyfuture online information portal, it offers contacts and guidance in training, study and career options in the aerospace sector. DGLR also helps student trainee groups carry out their own projects at universities.