Recruit members and benefit from it!

As a DGLR member you know the advantages of our Society. Recommend us to others!

Recruit your friends, acquaintances, colleagues or fellow students for Germany's largest aerospace community and benefit from it.*

Anyone interested in aerospace is welcome to join the DGLR as a member and can take full advantage of the Society's wide range of services: Members get access to the largest scientific and technical aerospace network in Germany and receive the latest news as well as exclusive information on the aerospace sector.

How does it work?

The person you recruited can enter your name in his/her membership application. The application can be filled out quickly and easily online here:

What is my reward?

Once we have processed the data, you can simply choose your own reward. Depending on the number of new members recruited, you will receive, for example

  • an Amazon voucher,
  • a SENSEO Quadrante coffee machine or
  • a Bosch drill.

* Please note that you only qualify for a reward if you recruit Full Members!